
税务年终筹划 | 2020

在这前所未有的一年即将结束之际, 你的家庭和企业可能会想要一些税收机会 年底前考虑. 下面概述了一些潜在的储蓄机会.

ebet真人娱乐下载你当地的团队 Hiebet真人娱乐下载 如果你想谈谈这些机会. 我们的ebet真人娱乐下载ebet真人娱乐下载专业人员随时准备提供帮助!

电子邮件: info@superlimona.com

个人 |税务考虑


If you operate as a proprietorship or pass-through business such as a partnership or S corporation, 合格 业务 Income (QBI) deduction offers you up to 20 percent tax deduction on your business income, 以某些 限制. Limitations may apply if your income reaches the following thresholds for 2020,

  • $163,300(单身,户主,已婚分居)
  • $326,600(已婚联合报税)


Increase the amount of your pre-tax 401(k) contributions to reduce your adjusted gross income.



  • $12,400(单身、已婚人士分开申请);
  • 18,650元(户主)及
  • $24,800(已婚联合报税)

Bunching permitted itemized deductions such as charitable contributions 和 medical expenses can maximize your 帮助扣除额超过标准扣除额.


如果你不列出你的扣除项目, the 关心行为 allows for a $300 above-the-line charitable contribution deduction. 这 扣除只适用于2020年.


的 26% credit for installing solar property on your personal use properties (primary residence, 度假屋)下降到 12月31日以后安装的物业22%, 如果在2020年之后安装太阳能物业,则无法获得信贷 2021年12月31日. 的refore, if you were planning on installing solar, you will want to consider doing that as soon as 可能的.


Now is also a good time to determine if your health insurance is a high-deductible health plan, 让你做一个 健康储蓄帐户(保险公司)供款. Some employers offer you the ability to do this as a salary deferral, so you 可能需要询问.

业务 |税务考虑

这里有 几个 powerful business tax-deduction strategies that you can implement before the end of 2020:



Stop billing your customers, 客户, 和 病人 until after December 31, 2020. (我们假设你或你的 公司实行收付实现制,按日历年经营)客户, 客户, 病人, 保险公司 一般不付款,直到账单. Not billing customers 和 病人 is a time-tested tax-planning strategy that 企业主已经成功使用多年.

最大化 & 加速扣除


美国国税局的规定包含一个安全港规则,允许 收付实现制的纳税人 提前支付并扣除符合条件的费用 提前12个月,不受国税局质疑、调整或改变.

对于一个 收付实现制纳税人, qualifying expenses could include lease payments on business vehicles, rent payments on 办公室和机械,以及商业和医疗事故保险费.


With bonus depreciation now at 100 percent along with increased limits for 第179条费用, 购买你的车辆, 设备或 并在12月31日前将机器投入使用, 2020年,并在2020年获得100%的成本扣除. Qualifying bonus depreciation 和 Section 179 purchases include new 和 used personal property such as machinery, equipment, computers, desks, chairs, 和 other furniture (和 certain qualifying vehicles).


If you are a single-member LLC or sole proprietor filing Schedule C for your business, 你付款的那一天 你的商业或个人信用卡是你扣除费用的日子. 因此,作为附表C的纳税人,你应该 consider using your credit card for last-minute purchases of office 供应 和 other business necessities.

如果你是一家公司, 如果公司有一张公司名下的信用卡, 相同的 rule applies: the date of charge is the date of deduction for 公司.

But if you operate your business as a corporation 和 you are the personal owner of the credit card, 公司 如果你想让公司实现减税,必须偿还你吗, 这发生在 报销. 因此, submit your expense report 和 have your corporation make its 报销s to you by December 31, 2020.


Health Insurance for >2% S-Corp Shareholders

如果你通过支付医疗保险, 或由贵公司报销, 正确的纳税申报 shareholder that owns more than 2% of the company is to include the health insurance paid on their 2020 Form W-2 in 箱1 & 第16和第14栏. 医疗保险的支付不需要缴纳工资税. 你所要做的就是告知 whoever prepares your payroll that 公司 paid $XX amount of health insurance for the shareholder. 工资 service should know what that means 和 should then include the amounts on the shareholder’s W-2, 适当的, 添加 与栏位1所报工资的比率 & 16,方框14也报告了健康保险的数额. 如果不这样做, IRS position that is health insurance will be treated as an itemized deduction subject to a 7.5%的AGI限制. (Please make sure the payroll is done correctly to include the health insurance premiums for >2% Shareholders on their 2020年表格W-2).


如果你从你的公司报销自己的汽车里程, 那就别再读这个话题了, 如下所述 不适用于你. However, if your corporation pays for all your automobile expenses, you are required to include the 在你的W-2表上的PUCC附加福利金额. It is considered taxable income to you subject to payroll taxes, 和 it will 也见栏14. Including this fringe benefit allows you to write-off all auto expenses on the business. 的 calculation for this fringe benefit is not terribly complicated – all you need to know is the approximate value of the 在投入使用时是自动的, 和 the number of miles driven during 2020 – both personal 和 total mileage for the 一年. 点击链接下载a 工作表table 这样就可以进行计算了. 另一种计算方法是 to use the “commuting value method” which is to include $3/day as compensation, or $780 for the 一年. 包括PUCC 你的W-2表格会显示你遵守了附加福利规定, 如果这确实适用于你, 我们推荐你 在你的W-2表格上写上适当的数额. 您将需要通知您的工资服务的PUCC附带福利 应该包括在你的2020年W-2. Alternatively, you can reimburse the company for the amount of personal use 和 not 包括任何数额作为附加福利.




Please be sure to reimburse yourself for expenses that you may have paid on behalf of 公司 during the 一年. 相关费用可能包括差旅费, 商务餐和里程, 供应, 邮资, 电话, 家庭办公费用, 会费和订阅, 等. 的 reason it’s important to do this is so that the expenses are captured 和 deducted in full at the corporate 水平. 否则,你可能会留下可扣除的费用, 因为如果你想把他们作为雇员扣除 个人报税表上的商业开支, 它们被认为是杂项分项扣除,不再是 可扣除联邦税. 点击这里查看Excel模板 整理和记录你的开支 报销, 和 then all you have left to do is cut yourself a check or offset prior distributions you may have 已经给你自己做了.



If you have been receiving unemployment checks this 一年 和 have not been withholding federal or state income tax, consider reviewing your income for the 一年 to determine if you should make fourth quarter estimated tax payments.

关心行为 |其他注意事项


的 关心行为 provides a penalty-free withdrawal option for individuals impacted by the coronavirus.

受影响的个人最多可以提取100美元,在12月31日之前没有提前提款罚款, 2020. 你必须 满足一定的条件才有资格享受这种治疗. 你可以在三(3)年内偿还这笔钱 分配日期和不支付税款或罚款的金额.



  1. 《ebet真人娱乐厅》允许在2018年开始的纳税年度产生nol, 2019, 而2020年将被推迟五(5)年 退还先前的税款.
  2. 的 关心行为 allows application of 100 percent of the NOL to the carryback 一年s.

《ebet真人娱乐厅》出台之前, 你无法挽回2018年的时光, 2019, 或者2020年的损失, 而你的NOL最多只能抵销80 在199A节扣除前应纳税收入的百分比.


CARES法案修正了原TCJA税制改革中出现的QIP错误. QIP是什么? improvement made by the taxpayer to the interior portion of a building that is non-residential real property (think 办公大楼, 零售商店, 和 shopping centers) if you place the improvement in service after the date you place 正在使用的建筑物.

如果您已经在2018年或2019年报税表上有此类财产, 它作为可折旧的39年房产在回报上. 用CARES行为修正, 您现在可以将其更改为15年的属性, 可同时获得奖金折旧和 第179条费用.

Summary |最后的想法

We know that some of the above considerations can be confusing 和 may be difficult to navigate. 如果我们能走得更远 援助,请不要犹豫,拨打808.529.9990或发邮件给我们 info@superlimona.com. 我们经验丰富的注册ebet真人娱乐下载师团队 (CPA), Enrolled Agents 和 税 Professionals can help you 和 your business take advantage of all available opportunities!



Hiebet真人娱乐下载 would be pleased to get in touch to discuss your accounting needs.

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